
This webpage has been created for you,  my students, to visit while at home. You can watch the videos and listen to the songs that we use in class every day.

I hope you, and anyone else who visits it, like it!


Every day, we start our classes with this routine.

We all enjoy singing and speaking English!

We review the days of the week, months of the year, weather, our feelings, the parts of the face, numbers and colours.

Routines in the English classroom help students' listening and comprehension skills.

This is a new song we listen to pray. With this song we also review the opposites.


Yancy is a worship leader, songwriter and producer that makes music for families and travels the globe performing family concerts and leading worship. She makes music that makes Jesus loud! You will find the best kids worship resources and curriculum produced by Yancy Ministries at https://yancyministries.com​  

Fear is not my future

Praise song!
Fear is not my future. BE BRAVE AND STRONG!




We love this Peace Anthem!

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